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How should followers of Jesus Christ vote in the USA?

  How should followers of Jesus Christ vote in the USA? Christians that live in the USA have a unique privilege not found in any other pluralistic society on planet earth. We have true freedom of speech, particularly when it comes to matters of politics. When Christians vote how should we vote? Should we vote for a particular party? or Should we vote for a particular person? or Should we vote for particular ideas? If it’s a person then the question is can you really know who that person is? Maybe there is a track record of how they voted in the past. Maybe they were members of certain organizations. These are factors that should be considered to some degree. What about the character issue? This is a tough one. Why? Unless there is some kind of criminal record of laws being violated (even this can be suspect) or undeniable evidence (stained blue dress) we can’t really know a person unless we are their personal friends and family. Even then those people mi

Pro-Life with No Bible Verse?

Let’s clear up a fundamental confusion going on about the pro-life case against abortion. Christianity does inform us that image bearers of God come into exists inside the womb but so does science. However, the pro-life argument stands without an appeal to the Bible.

 It appeals to science and philosophy.  Let’s see how. I am pro-life because the science of embryology teaches that from the earliest stages of development the unborn are distinct living whole human beings. You didn't come from an embryo; you once were an embryo. There's no ethical difference between the embryo you once were and the adult you are today that would justify killing you back then.  

There are only four differences between the embryo you once were and the adult you are today.

1. size

2. level of development

3. environment

4. degree of dependency

It is true that unborn humans are smaller than born humans but since when does physical size give you value. Quoting from Dr. Suess “Horton Hears a Who” – “a person is a person no matter how small.” In other words, human value transcends physical appearance.

It is true that unborn humans are less developed than you. So what? There are plenty of born humans that are less developed than you are we more valuable? Of course not.

What about environment? Where you are has no bearing on your intrinsic worth.  How does a journey of eight inches down the birth canal change your essential value? It doesn't.

It is true that unborn humans are completely dependent on another for their survival. However, so are newborns and the severely handicapped and the comatose and so on. Are they still valuable? Yes

All four of these criteria attempt to disqualify humans as valuable members of the human community so they can be killed but since it's wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being and abortion kills an innocent human being abortion is therefore wrong

That's why I’m pro-life. And look no bible verse or religion just science and careful thinking. 


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