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The Moral Argument for God’s Existence.

  An atheist might say you can be good without believing in God. However the question isn’t can you be good without believing in God but can you be good without God? Here’s the problem if there’s no God. What basis remains for objective good or bad, right or wrong? If God does not exist objective moral values do not exist. Here’s why. Without some objective reference point we    really have no way of saying something is up or down. Gods nature however provides an objective reference point for moral values. It’s the standard which all action and thoughts are measured. However, if there is no God then there is no objective reference point. All we are left with is one persons view point as opposed to some other persons view point. This makes morality subjective not objective.  It’s like a preference for vanilla ice cream. The preference is in the subject not the object. Therefore it doesn’t apply to other people. In the same way subjective morality applies only to the subject. It’s not va

The Cup of God

There was this man in a small village in the heart of a primitive land. He was a potter by trade. One day he told the people of his village he was going to make a cup. This was going to be a one of a kind cup. After he finished making it he was going to send it off into the world.

It didn’t take him long. It was now time. He knew his friend, a merchant, passed through his village once every six months on his way to the town by the sea miles away. He stopped his friend and asked him if he would take his cup with him and sell it to anyone. If he did he could keep all the money for the sale.

His friend agreed. He sold the cup to a captain of a boat. Which set sale to far off lands. There the captain ran into a captain of a ship going to another place. This ship captain noticed this unique cup and wanted to buy it. The boat captain said sure and sold it.

In this other place, the ship captain gave it to a lady friend. This lady friend a few days later she gave the cup to her visiting friend from a land across the sea. She went back to this land with the cup, and put the cup on the shelf in her home.

Fifty years go by and a distant relative finds this cup in a box in an attic. He likes the uniqueness and brings it home and places it on an end table in his living room. That evening a group of people gathered for a meal and conversation.

The topic of God came up and someone said if anyone could produce a machine that could show that God existed he would than believe in God.

Someone asked, “If there were such a machine would God have to willing acquiesce to your demand and subject Himself to the machine?”

“Yes” was the answer.

“In other words, God would have to be a lab rat to His creation.” Someone else said.

 “In order for it to be necessary to conclude, that God exist, he must to be subject to humans means of measurement?” said another.

“Yes, That’s the scientific method. A conclusion that states a fact, this fact must be subject to a process of verification or falsification, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.” Was said. “That’s not necessarily true all the time.” Someone said.

“Can you give an example of something that could be a fact in reality, in this physical universe that does not have to be subject to the scientific method and still be an undeniably true.” Another asked. “Yes. It’s really not that difficult.” This person then pointed to the unique very old looking cup on the end table. “Do you see that cup? I can conclude that someone made that cup even if I never saw that person make that mug.”

“However,” someone said, “You’ve had other experiences with cups and the like to know that someone created them, therefore this cup.”

“I can’t deny my former experiences. I depend on them to move forward in life. But past experiences are not the same as the scientific method for facts. Past experiences are not even a criterion for the scientific method.” This person continued. “When it comes to this unique cup I could take every measurement even to the point of its destruction and never find the creator of this unique cup in the cup. However, my conclusion that someone created it would not be irrational but reasonable and without fault.” They went on. “Now I will admit that my conclusion must be arrived at through faith.”

“How do you mean?” Rang out

This person goes on. “Faith has a definition. When the word faith is used, in a conversation, a person will fill in their definition of faith. I would like to avoid that and define what I mean by faith. It’s not a religious sect or an idea that belongs to the religious realm. It’s not blind. It can see. We all possess this facility. We could not survive without it. Faith takes what we know and helps us traverse what we do not know so we can act on what we believe.” Continuing. “My believing that someone created that cup is an act of faith. You could leave this room and trace the journey of this cup to it origin. Gather a chain of custody. Take testimony from the neighbors of the creator. Even have a picture of the creator of the cup with the cup in hand but find no creator, I would then be missing an essential element in my ability to know this thing under the scientific method therefore I must arrive at a conclusion by using the facility of faith.


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